Welcome to our Wedding Event

We're excited to share a quick recap of our unforgettable wedding event held last Thursday at our Freebird Store garden (Gerard Doustraat 78hs). A select group of Freebird Icons joined us for an exclusive showcase of our Festive Styles collection, perfect for the guest of the bride.

Amidst delicious bites and refreshing drinks, we enjoyed a sunny day with a presentation by our sales team highlighting the collection's best features. Adding a creative touch, Susanne from Susannebloemen led a flower arranging workshop, allowing guests to craft their own charming bridal bouquets. As the event wrapped up, guests departed with well-stocked goodie bags as a token of our appreciation. The event was a resounding success, and we're grateful for everyone who joined us.

Need the perfect look for an upcoming wedding or another festive occasion? Shop via the button below!